Heather Garden

In 2011, Beautiful Perth and Perth & Kinross Council agreed to undertake a major project to tranform the Bellwood area of Riverside Park (pictured above) from a rather neglected open space into a beautiful, wildlife-friendly park that could be enjoyed everyone. A key part of the transformation was the creation of a heather garden which included 15 heather beds containing 500 varieties and over 15,000 individual heather plants. Beautiful Perth 'adopted' the heather garden and since 2011 all of the planting and all of the ongoing maintenance have been done by our amazing volunteers, to spectacular effect. The images below  give a flavour of how the garden looked before we started and after all our hard work - photos were taken from the same spot to show just want a transformation there has been. The heathers provide colour all year round. You can read more about them in our leaflet and watch our video on YouTube

Our volunteers continue to work at the heather garden, and were honoured when, in 2022, Plant Heritage awarded National Collection status to one variety of heather (Erica carnea). The national collection can be seen in heather bed number 12 and you can read more about it here.  

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