Perth Racecourse Staff Help Our Volunteers Clear Another Hurdle

We were delighted to be joined by staff from Perth Racecourse to help our volunteers tackle the overgrown flower bed at the head of Needless Road here in Perth. Unfortunately this once beautiful site has been unattended all this year and was full of weeds and self seeding plants. The staff had been given time away from their normal duties, such as selling hospitality packages, to do some voluntary work in the community. Their input was very welcome and allowed us to clear out this bed ready for some thought to be given as to what new planting can add more colour to this prominent site.

We were also joined by a member of PKC's Greenspace team and this example of joint working shows what we can achieve, but it is only possible with help.

If your organisation allow staff time off for voluntary work why not get in touch and we can together make further improvements. We do have a couple of exciting projects in the pipeline so all help wpould be very welcome.

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